Rule Chapter: 12A-15
Chapter Title: DISCRETIONARY SALES SURTAX Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 12A-15.001 Scope of Rules 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-15.002 Surtax Brackets (Repealed) 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-15.003 Admissions; Tangible Personal Property; Services; Service Warranties; Real Property and Transient Accommodations; Use Tax 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-15.0035 Aircraft, Boats, Motor Vehicles, and Mobile Homes 2/20/2025
Rule file 12A-15.004 Specific Limitations 2/20/2025
Rule file 12A-15.005 Permits, Certificates, and Affidavits 5/12/1992
Rule file 12A-15.006 Tax Returns and Regulations 12/11/1989
Rule file 12A-15.007 Records 10/2/2001
Rule file 12A-15.008 Construction Contractors Who Repair, Alter, Improve, and Construct Real Property; Refund of Surtax 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-15.010 The Sale of Food, Drink, and Tangible Personal Property at Concession Stands 6/1/2009
Rule file 12A-15.011 Coin-Operated Amusement and Vending Machines, and Other Devices 6/1/2009
Rule file 12A-15.012 Alcoholic and Malt Beverages 6/14/2022
Rule file 12A-15.014 Transition Rule 6/14/2022