Rule Chapter: 14-61
Chapter Title: FLORIDA TURNPIKE SYSTEM Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 14-61.0011 Florida's Turnpike System (Repealed) 11/5/2009
Rule file 14-61.0012 Definitions 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0013 Tolls 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0014 Limitations on Use of Turnpike System 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0015 Prohibitions on the Turnpike System 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0016 Turnpike Tandem Access 2/6/2019
Rule file 14-61.0017 Regulations Covering the Operation and Safety of Turnpike Tandems 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0018 Tractor Requirements 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0019 Tire Requirements 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0020 Brake Regulations 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0021 Emergency Equipment 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0022 Lead Trailer Requirements 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0023 Converter Dolly Requirements 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0024 Lamps, Etc. 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0025 Inspection by Driver 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0026 Coupling Devices/Hitch Connections 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0027 Staging 12/5/2018
Rule file 14-61.0028 Speed Limits, Minimum Distances, Passing, and Operations Under Hazardous Conditions 12/5/2018