Rule Chapter: 14-85
Chapter Title: LOGO SIGN PROGRAM Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 14-85.004 Logo Sign Program (Repealed) 12/15/2009
Rule file 14-85.013 Definitions 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.014 Responsibilities of Program Administrator and Department 12/15/2009
Rule file 14-85.015 Qualification of Interchanges 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.017 Logo Structures 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.018 Display Panel Configuration 12/15/2009
Rule file 14-85.019 Business Logos 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.020 Installation, Maintenance and Removal of Logo Structures and business Logos 12/15/2009
Rule file 14-85.021 Qualification of Businesses 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.022 Permits 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.023 Priority of Applications 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.024 Permit Renewal 6/16/2015
Rule file 14-85.025 Denial, Revocation, Suspension, or Cancellation of Permit 4/29/2010