Rule Chapter: 19B-16
Chapter Title: FLORIDA COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAM Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 19B-16.001 Application of Rule Chapter; Definitions 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.002 Application for Participation in the Program 10/7/2013
Rule file 19B-16.003 Participation Agreement 8/11/2024
Rule file 19B-16.004 Payment and Minimum Contributions (Repealed) 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.005 Maximum Account Balance Limit (Repealed) 12/14/2020
Rule file 19B-16.006 Change of Benefactor (Repealed) 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.007 Change of Designated Beneficiary (Repealed) 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.008 Contingent Benefactor (Repealed) 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.009 Rollover Distributions (Repealed) 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.010 Termination and Withdrawal; Distributions (Repealed) 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.011 Unclaimed Refunds (Repealed) 12/14/2020
Rule file 19B-16.012 Administration Fee 5/8/2013
Rule file 19B-16.013 Maximum Account Balance Limit 12/28/2021
Rule file 19B-16.014 Unclaimed Refunds 12/28/2021