Rule Chapter: 20-61
Chapter Title: MATURITY TESTS - PROCESSED CITRUS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 20-61.001 Facilities and Equipment to Be Furnished 10/15/1995
Rule file 20-61.002 Fruit Accessible for Sampling 10/15/1995
Rule file 20-61.003 Sampling Equipment 1/26/2006
Rule file 20-61.004 Maturity Test Required before Processing 1/1/1975
Rule file 20-61.005 Color Break Requirements (Repealed) 1/24/2019
Rule file 20-61.006 Drawing Samples for Juice Content, Solids, Acid, Ratio, Maturity Tests 1/1/1975
Rule file 20-61.007 Juice Content, Acid, Solids, Maturity Tests 10/15/1995
Rule file 20-61.0071 Determination of Pounds of Orange Solids 10/20/1992
Rule file 20-61.0072 Determination of Pounds of Grapefruit Solids 10/15/1995
Rule file 20-61.008 Grapefruit Minimum Juice Content Requirement, August 1 - November 30 12/10/1995
Rule file 20-61.009 Destruction of Fruit Failing Maturity 10/15/1995
Rule file 20-61.010 Regrading of Fruit 7/12/1992
Rule file 20-61.011 Information to Be Furnished Inspector 1/1/1975
Rule file 20-61.012 Mixing of Citrus Fruit 1/1/1975
Rule file 20-61.013 Certificates of Maturity Inspection 10/15/1995
Rule file 20-61.014 Form of Maturity Certificate 1/1/1975