Rule Chapter: 33-302
Chapter Title: PROBATION AND PAROLE SERVICES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 33-302.101 Offender Grievance Procedures 9/29/2004
Rule file 33-302.102 Employer Notification of Supervision Status 3/4/2001
Rule file 33-302.1031 Correctional Probation Officers - Appointment and Responsibility 11/7/2024
Rule file 33-302.104 Correctional Probation Officers Carrying Firearms 5/7/2014
Rule file 33-302.105 Probation and Parole - Use of Force 7/22/2010
Rule file 33-302.106 Intrastate Travel 10/5/2004
Rule file 33-302.108 Monitoring Sex Offender Conditions of Supervision (Repealed) 4/7/2016
Rule file 33-302.109 Offender Orientation 4/7/2016
Rule file 33-302.110 Reporting Requirements 1/5/2025
Rule file 33-302.111 Early Termination of Supervision 11/9/2008
Rule file 33-302.115 Correctional Probation Officer Badges 9/20/2004
Rule file 33-302.116 Community Control 11/12/2017