Rule Chapter: 33-404
Chapter Title: MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 33-404.101 Mental Health Services Program - Purpose and Scope 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.102 Provision of Mental Health Services 11/7/2018
Rule file 33-404.103 Mental Health Services - Definitions 2/10/2022
Rule file 33-404.104 Mental Health Services - Classification System (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.105 Consent to Mental Health Evaluation and Treatment (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.106 Admission to Infirmary Mental Health Care, Transitional Care, or Crisis Stabilization 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.107 Use of Force with Mentally Disordered Inmates (Repealed) 10/17/2010
Rule file 33-404.108 Discipline of Inmates Diagnosed as Mentally Ill 11/7/2018
Rule file 33-404.112 Risk Management of Inmates in an Inpatient Setting 2/10/2022
Rule file 33-404.201 Operation, Administration, and Designation of Corrections Mental Health Treatment Facilities 7/27/2016
Rule file 33-404.202 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Definitions (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.203 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Care of Inmates (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.204 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Use of Force (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.205 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Inmate Discipline (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.206 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Administrative Confinement (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.207 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Restrictions of Inmate Privileges (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.208 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Admissible Reading Material (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.209 Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Forms (Repealed) 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.2095 Placement in Mental Health Treatment Facilities 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.2096 Emergency Placement in Mental Health Treatment Facilities 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.2097 Discharge From Mental Health Treatment Facilities 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.2098 Continued Placement in Mental Health Treatment Facilities 3/1/2011
Rule file 33-404.210 Corrections Mental Health Treatment Facilities - Consent to Treatment 3/1/2011