Rule Chapter: 33-601
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 33-601.100 Inmate Orientation 2/12/2015
Rule file 33-601.101 Incentive Gain Time 8/10/2022
Rule file 33-601.102 Meritorious Gain Time 11/17/2003
Rule file 33-601.103 Awards if Sentence is Expiring or Inmate is Transferred 10/8/1998
Rule file 33-601.104 Withholding or Forfeiture of Gain Time 8/5/2013
Rule file 33-601.105 Restoration of Forfeited Gain Time 9/21/2023
Rule file 33-601.106 Commutation of Sentence (Repealed) 10/16/2012
Rule file 33-601.201 Inmate Work Program 8/18/2013
Rule file 33-601.202 Use of Inmates in Public Works 10/28/2010
Rule file 33-601.209 State Classification Office and Institutional Classification Teams 3/6/2014
Rule file 33-601.210 Custody Classification 7/14/2014
Rule file 33-601.211 Special Review 10/11/2004
Rule file 33-601.215 Classification - Transfer of Inmates 8/16/2021
Rule file 33-601.217 Elderly Offender Housing 3/6/2014
Rule file 33-601.220 Youthful Offenders - Definitions 3/6/2014
Rule file 33-601.221 Youthful Offender Classification Categories in Institutions 10/11/1995
Rule file 33-601.222 Reception Process for Youthful Offenders 9/11/1997
Rule file 33-601.223 Designation of Institutions for Youthful Offenders 8/30/2016
Rule file 33-601.225 Classification Screening for Youthful Offenders in Adult Facilities 12/12/2011
Rule file 33-601.226 Youthful Offender Program Participation 3/6/2014
Rule file 33-601.231 Basic Training Program - Purpose 1/25/1996
Rule file 33-601.232 Basic Training Program - Rules 2/26/1989
Rule file 33-601.233 Basic Training Program - Definitions 10/10/2004
Rule file 33-601.234 Basic Training Program - Selection Process 10/10/2004
Rule file 33-601.235 Basic Training Program - Orientation 1/25/1996
Rule file 33-601.236 Basic Training Program - Operation 6/18/2013
Rule file 33-601.237 Basic Training Program - Inmate Privileges and Restrictions 10/10/2004
Rule file 33-601.238 Basic Training Program - Appearance and Hygiene 1/17/2002
Rule file 33-601.239 Basic Training Program - Dormitory Regulations 1/17/2002
Rule file 33-601.240 Basic Training Program - Inmate Conduct 11/20/2012
Rule file 33-601.241 Basic Training Program - Discipline 10/10/2004
Rule file 33-601.242 Removal from Basic Training Program 5/25/2021
Rule file 33-601.243 Basic Training Program - Employee Standards of Appearance, Conduct, and Fitness 6/4/2009
Rule file 33-601.250 Specialized Programs Institutions 4/23/2020
Rule file 33-601.260 Administrative Management Units 9/6/2020
Rule file 33-601.301 Inmate Discipline - General Policy 2/12/2015
Rule file 33-601.302 Inmate Discipline - Terminology and Definitions 1/28/2007
Rule file 33-601.303 Reporting Disciplinary Infractions 9/22/2009
Rule file 33-601.304 Preparation of Disciplinary Reports 3/22/2005
Rule file 33-601.305 Inmate Discipline - Investigations 7/11/2011
Rule file 33-601.3055 Inmate Discipline - Use of Confidential Informants During Investigation 2/11/2001
Rule file 33-601.306 Disciplinary Team and Hearing Officer 10/1/1995
Rule file 33-601.307 Disciplinary Hearings 12/3/2014
Rule file 33-601.308 Disciplinary Team, Hearing Officer Findings and Action 1/18/2021
Rule file 33-601.309 Inmate Discipline - Review and Final Action 3/22/2005
Rule file 33-601.310 Inmate Discipline - Rehearings 2/11/2001
Rule file 33-601.311 Inmate Discipline - Miscellaneous Provisions 10/7/2012
Rule file 33-601.312 Telephonic or Video Disciplinary Hearings 5/21/2000
Rule file 33-601.313 Inmate Discipline - Forms 12/5/2010
Rule file 33-601.314 Rules of Prohibited Conduct and Penalties for Infractions 1/11/2024
Rule file 33-601.401 Interstate Corrections Compact 9/23/2003
Rule file 33-601.501 Discharge of an Inmate (Repealed) 8/8/2010
Rule file 33-601.502 Discharge Gratuity 7/7/2021
Rule file 33-601.503 Discharge Transportation 11/16/1997
Rule file 33-601.504 Transition Skills Program 8/19/2020
Rule file 33-601.601 Temporary Release of Inmates for Specific Purposes 9/3/2013
Rule file 33-601.602 Community Release Programs 6/9/2020
Rule file 33-601.603 Furloughs 4/8/2010
Rule file 33-601.604 Determination of Credit When Inmate Is Released in Error 12/3/2014
Rule file 33-601.605 Inmate Drivers 4/7/2005
Rule file 33-601.606 Placement of Inmates into Community Release Programs (Repealed) 3/2/2011
Rule file 33-601.711 Legal Visitors 6/18/2002
Rule file 33-601.7115 Consulate Visitors 3/3/2008
Rule file 33-601.712 Use of Cameras and Tape Recorders by Attorneys 2/25/2002
Rule file 33-601.713 Inmate Visitation - Definitions 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.714 Inmate Visiting - General 9/29/2003
Rule file 33-601.715 Visitation Application Initiation Process 3/2/2023
Rule file 33-601.716 Visiting Record Management 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.717 Visitation Denial 3/2/2023
Rule file 33-601.718 Review of Request for Visiting Privileges 7/19/2012
Rule file 33-601.719 Visiting By Former and Current Department and Contract Employees 11/9/2008
Rule file 33-601.720 Sex Offender and Child Abuse Offender Visiting Restrictions 8/30/2016
Rule file 33-601.721 Visiting Operations 2/13/2012
Rule file 33-601.722 On-site Visitation 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.723 Visitation Check-In Procedures 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.724 Visitor Attire 7/12/2011
Rule file 33-601.725 Permissible Items for Visitors 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.726 Visitor Searches 12/22/2024
Rule file 33-601.727 Visitor Conduct 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.728 Inmate Visiting Appearance, Search, and Conduct 3/6/2014
Rule file 33-601.729 Denial or Termination of Visits 2/21/2013
Rule file 33-601.730 Visiting Check-Out Procedures 5/27/2002
Rule file 33-601.731 Suspension of Visitation Privileges 1/26/2023
Rule file 33-601.732 Reinstatement of Suspended Visitation Privileges 3/2/2023
Rule file 33-601.733 Visiting - Special Status Inmates 6/28/2012
Rule file 33-601.734 Visiting - Disciplinary Confinement, Protective Management, and Administrative Confinement Inmates (Repealed) 11/28/2010
Rule file 33-601.735 Non-Contact Visiting 1/18/2021
Rule file 33-601.736 Special Visits 9/29/2003
Rule file 33-601.737 Visiting - Forms (Repealed) 3/22/2012
Rule file 33-601.800 Close Management 10/6/2022
Rule file 33-601.820 Maximum Management 1/18/2021
Rule file 33-601.830 Death Row 1/18/2021
Rule file 33-601.901 Confidential Records 7/2/2023