Rule Chapter: 40D-8
Chapter Title: WATER LEVELS AND RATES OF FLOW Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 40D-8.011 Policy and Purpose 8/7/2000
Rule file 40D-8.021 Definitions 9/27/2021
Rule file 40D-8.031 Implementation 9/27/2021
Rule file 40D-8.041 Minimum Flows 6/12/2024
Rule file 40D-8.621 Operating Levels for Lakes with District-Owned Management Structures 8/7/2000
Rule file 40D-8.623 Minimum Wetland Levels 5/17/2023
Rule file 40D-8.624 Guidance and Minimum Levels for Lakes 9/27/2021
Rule file 40D-8.626 Minimum Aquifer Levels 2/17/2022