Rule Chapter: 49B-1
Chapter Title: ORGANIZATION Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 49B-1.007 Agency Description 5/20/2001
Rule file 49B-1.008 Registered Office, Office Hours and Copies of Documents 5/22/2007
Rule file 49B-1.009 Boundaries 1/11/1981
Rule file 49B-1.010 Statutes and Rules Affecting Agency Operations 1/11/1981
Rule file 49B-1.011 Delegation of Authority by the Board of Directors 8/26/2014
Rule file 49B-1.013 Designation of Agency Clerk and Official Reporter 8/26/2014
Rule file 49B-1.0131 Public Information and Inspection and Copying of Records 5/22/2007
Rule file 49B-1.070 Authority 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.071 Purpose 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.072 Public Inspection and Duplication 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.073 Final Orders Indexed 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.074 Numbering of Final Orders 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.075 System for Indexing Final Orders 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.076 Maintenance of Records 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.077 Plan 6/15/1992
Rule file 49B-1.078 Format for Final Order 6/15/1992