Rule Chapter: 59A-35
Chapter Title: Health Care Licensing Procedures Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 59A-35.020 Applicability (Repealed) 1/4/2016
Rule file 59A-35.030 Definitions 7/14/2010
Rule file 59A-35.040 License Required; Display 11/1/2021
Rule file 59A-35.050 Fees Required; Adjustments 7/14/2010
Rule file 59A-35.060 Licensure Application Process. 3/5/2024
Rule file 59A-35.062 Proof of Financial Ability to Operate 7/14/2010
Rule file 59A-35.070 Change of Ownership. 7/14/2010
Rule file 59A-35.080 License Categories. 7/14/2010
Rule file 59A-35.090 Background Screening; Prohibited Offenses. 2/13/2018
Rule file 59A-35.100 Minimum License Requirements. 3/12/2012
Rule file 59A-35.110 Reporting Requirements; Electronic Submission 10/4/2021
Rule file 59A-35.115 Patient Safety Surveys 1/26/2023
Rule file 59A-35.120 Inspections. 5/17/2021
Rule file 59A-35.125 Standards for the Appropriate Use of Facial Coverings for Infection Control 7/22/2024
Rule file 59A-35.150 Moratorium; Emergency Suspension. 7/14/2010