5K-1.003 |
Application for Inspection, Fees, Rejection of Application, Updates, Renewal, Official Numbers and Withdrawal of Inspection (Repealed) |
12/14/2008 |
5K-1.0051 |
Schedule of Operations, Water Supply for Cleaning, Application of Pesticides, Vehicles Transporting Animal Products, Permission for Release of Stop-Sale Product, and Retention Tags (Repealed) |
12/14/2008 |
5K-1.019 |
United States Federal Regulations for Mandatory Meat Inspection and Mandatory Poultry Product Inspection, U.S.D.A. Directives, and Parts XI and XII of the State Performance Plan Adopted (Repealed) |
12/14/2008 |
5K-1.020 |
Approved Methods of Humane Slaughter (Repealed) |
12/14/2008 |
5K-1.021 |
Inspection of Nontraditional Livestock - Requirements, Scheduling, Inspection Marks, Fees (Repealed) |
12/14/2008 |