Rule Chapter: 61G14-11
Chapter Title: LICENSURE AND EXAMINATIONS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 61G14-11.001 Determination of Openings for Deputy Pilots 10/9/2017
Rule file 61G14-11.002 Qualifications of Applicants for a Certificate as a Deputy Pilot 10/23/2005
Rule file 61G14-11.003 Examination for Certification as a Deputy Pilot 7/20/1987
Rule file 61G14-11.004 Examination for Licensure as a State Pilot 10/5/1997
Rule file 61G14-11.005 Examination Review Fee 11/28/2023
Rule file 61G14-11.006 Reapplication 5/4/1995
Rule file 61G14-11.007 Documents Issued 7/22/2007
Rule file 61G14-11.008 Cross Licensing 10/4/2020
Rule file 61G14-11.009 State Criteria for Pilots or Deputy Pilots Where Federal Endorsement Is Unavailable or Unobtainable 6/11/1995