Rule Chapter: 61G15-18
Chapter Title: ORGANIZATION AND PURPOSE Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 61G15-18.005 Probable Cause Determination 8/26/2019
Rule file 61G15-18.0071 Attendance at Board Meetings, Unexcused Absences 1/6/2002
Rule file 61G15-18.008 Adoption of Model Rules of Procedure (Repealed) 2/2/2012
Rule file 61G15-18.010 Approved Schools and Colleges (Repealed) 2/2/2012
Rule file 61G15-18.011 Definitions 6/5/2024
Rule file 61G15-18.012 Other Board Business for Which Compensation is Allowed 11/16/2020
Rule file 61G15-18.015 Education Advisory Committee (Repealed) 2/2/2012
Rule file 61G15-18.020 Public Comment 10/28/2014