Rule Chapter: 61G4-17
Chapter Title: DISCIPLINARY GUIDELINES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 61G4-17.001 Normal Penalty Ranges 6/30/2024
Rule file 61G4-17.002 Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances 6/17/2020
Rule file 61G4-17.003 Repeat Violations 11/25/1997
Rule file 61G4-17.005 Penalties Cumulative and Consecutive 10/26/1986
Rule file 61G4-17.006 Mitigation; Notice of Mitigation and Aggravation (Repealed) 2/27/2012
Rule file 61G4-17.007 Probation 4/18/1989
Rule file 61G4-17.008 Stipulations (Repealed) 1/7/2016
Rule file 61G4-17.009 Violations of Provisions of This Chapter (Repealed) 2/27/2012