Rule Chapter: 62-600
Chapter Title: DOMESTIC WASTEWATER FACILITIES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 62-600.100 Scope, Intent, Purpose, and Applicability 2/8/2016
Rule file 62-600.120 Exemptions 2/8/2016
Rule file 62-600.200 Definitions 1/16/2022
Rule file 62-600.300 General Technical Documents 1/16/2022
Rule file 62-600.400 Design Requirements 1/16/2022
Rule file 62-600.405 Planning for Wastewater Facilities Expansion 6/28/2023
Rule file 62-600.410 Operation and Maintenance Requirements 12/6/2021
Rule file 62-600.420 Minimum Treatment Standards - Technology Based Effluent Limitations (TBELs) 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.430 Additional Treatment - Water Quality -Based Effluent Limitations (WQBELs) 2/8/2016
Rule file 62-600.440 Disinfection Requirements 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.445 pH Requirements 2/8/2016
Rule file 62-600.500 General 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.510 Discharge to Surface Waters (Excluding Coastal and Open Ocean) 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.520 Discharge to Surface Waters - (Coastal and Open Ocean) 1/16/2022
Rule file 62-600.530 Reuse of Reclaimed Water and Land Application (Repealed) 2/8/2016
Rule file 62-600.540 Underground Injection 2/8/2016
Rule file 62-600.550 Wastewater Management Requirements for the Wekiva Study Area. 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.650 General 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.660 Treatment Facility Monitoring 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.670 Ground Water Monitoring 9/27/2021
Rule file 62-600.680 Reporting 12/6/2021
Rule file 62-600.700 General 12/6/2021
Rule file 62-600.705 Collection/Transmission Systems 6/28/2023
Rule file 62-600.720 Operation and Maintenance Manual 6/28/2023
Rule file 62-600.735 Operation and Maintenance Performance Report 12/6/2021
Rule file 62-600.740 Compliance and Enforcement 9/27/2021