Rule Chapter: 63G-2
Chapter Title: SECURE DETENTION SERVICES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 63G-2.001 Purpose and Scope (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.002 Definitions (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.003 Construction and Maintenance (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.004 Staffing and Operations (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.0045 Intake and Orientation (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.005 Security (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.006 Treatment, Training and Education of Youth (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.007 Sanitation (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.008 Capacity (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.009 Bedding and Linens (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.010 Nutrition (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.011 Medical Treatment, Health and Comfort (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.012 Disciplinary Treatment (Repealed) 7/19/2015
Rule file 63G-2.013 Purpose and Scope 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.014 Definitions 11/22/2020
Rule file 63G-2.015 Facility Management 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.016 Maintenance 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.017 Staffing 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.018 Documentation/Management Systems 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.019 Security 11/22/2020
Rule file 63G-2.020 Admissions, Orientation and Releases 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.021 Officer Conduct and Professionalism 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.022 Behavior Management and Behavioral Confinement 11/22/2020
Rule file 63G-2.023 Youth Activities 10/2/2018
Rule file 63G-2.024 Safety 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.025 Hygiene 8/9/2015
Rule file 63G-2.026 Nutrition 8/9/2015