Rule Chapter: 64B15-12
Chapter Title: EXAMINATIONS AND LICENSURE Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B15-12.001 Examinations 4/28/1998
Rule file 64B15-12.003 Applications for Licensure 9/13/2022
Rule file 64B15-12.0031 Registration as a Dispensing Physician; Delegation of Dispensing to Prescribing Physician Assistant 12/7/2021
Rule file 64B15-12.004 Personal Appearance by Applicant (Repealed) 8/13/2015
Rule file 64B15-12.005 Limited Licensure 9/13/2022
Rule file 64B15-12.006 Active Status License (Repealed) 7/25/2012
Rule file 64B15-12.007 Inactive Status License 8/12/2019
Rule file 64B15-12.0075 Requirements for Reactivation of Retired Status License 8/12/2019
Rule file 64B15-12.008 Delinquent License 7/25/2012
Rule file 64B15-12.009 Osteopathic Faculty Certificate 9/13/2022
Rule file 64B15-12.010 Temporary Certificate to Practice in an Area of Critical Need 9/13/2022
Rule file 64B15-12.011 Temporary Certificate for Active Duty Military and Veterans Practicing in Areas of Critical Need 9/13/2022