Rule Chapter: 64B16-27
Chapter Title: PHARMACY PRACTICE Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B16-27.100 Proof of Licensure; Display of License; Pharmacist, Registered Pharmacy Intern and Registered Pharmacy Technician Identification 11/7/2017
Rule file 64B16-27.1001 Practice of Pharmacy 1/1/2010
Rule file 64B16-27.1003 Transmission of Prescription Orders (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.101 Counterfeit Drugs (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.103 Oral Prescriptions and Copies 11/18/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.104 Conduct Governing Pharmacists and Pharmacy Permittees 11/18/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.1042 Rebates Prohibited; Violations Defined 3/9/1994
Rule file 64B16-27.105 Transfer of Prescriptions (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.120 Ordering and Evaluation of Laboratory Tests (Repealed) 11/25/2020
Rule file 64B16-27.200 Purpose and Effect (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.210 General Terms and Conditions to Be Followed by a Pharmacist When Ordering and Dispensing Approved Medicinal Drug Products 3/18/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.211 Prescription Refills 11/18/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.220 Medicinal Drugs Which May Be Ordered by Pharmacists 11/18/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.230 Fluoride Containing Products 6/15/1998
Rule file 64B16-27.300 Standards of Practice - Continuous Quality Improvement Program 3/18/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.400 Practice of Pharmacy (Repealed) 10/5/2009
Rule file 64B16-27.4001 Delegation to and Supervision of Pharmacy Technicians; Responsibility of Supervising Pharmacist 11/3/2020
Rule file 64B16-27.410 Guidelines for Pharmacist Supervision of More than One Registered Pharmacy Technician 12/12/2024
Rule file 64B16-27.420 Pharmacy Technician - Delegable and Non-Delegable Tasks 2/2/2020
Rule file 64B16-27.430 Responsibilities of the Pharmacist (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.440 Policies and Procedures (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.450 Prescription Department Managers 6/5/2018
Rule file 64B16-27.500 Negative Drug Formulary 3/18/2010
Rule file 64B16-27.510 Identification of Manufacturer (Repealed) 10/8/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.520 Positive Drug Formulary 12/7/1977
Rule file 64B16-27.530 Duty of Pharmacist to Inform Regarding Drug Substitution 11/18/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.615 Possession and Disposition of Sample Medicinal Drugs 11/18/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.620 Disposition of Complimentary or Sample Medicinal Drugs Which Are Unsuitable for Dispensing (Repealed) 10/5/2009
Rule file 64B16-27.630 Additional Immunizations or Vaccines Which May Be Administered (Repealed) 11/18/2021
Rule file 64B16-27.650 Additional Immunizations or Vaccines Which May be Administered 7/25/2023
Rule file 64B16-27.700 Definition of Compounding 1/28/2018
Rule file 64B16-27.797 The Standards of Practice for Compounding Sterile Products 2/2/2025
Rule file 64B16-27.800 Requirement for Patient Records 3/18/2015
Rule file 64B16-27.810 Prospective Drug Use Review 8/18/1993
Rule file 64B16-27.820 Patient Counseling 7/11/2018
Rule file 64B16-27.830 Standards of Practice - Drug Therapy Management 4/28/2020
Rule file 64B16-27.831 Standards of Practice for the Filling of Controlled Substance Prescriptions; Electronic Prescribing; Mandatory Continuing Education 4/5/2023
Rule file 64B16-27.850 Standards of Practice for Orthotics and Pedorthics 5/2/2007
Rule file 64B16-27.851 Record-Keeping for Orthotics and Pedorthics 3/18/2015