64B16-28.100 |
Pharmacy Permits - Applications and Permitting |
12/19/2021 |
64B16-28.101 |
Prescription Area Accessible to Inspection |
2/2/2012 |
64B16-28.102 |
Sink and Running Water, Sufficient Space, Refrigeration, Sanitation, Equipment |
5/4/2005 |
64B16-28.1035 |
Patient Consultation Area |
5/4/2005 |
64B16-28.108 |
All Permits - Labels and Labeling of Medicinal Drugs |
7/18/2023 |
64B16-28.10801 |
All Permits - Delivery of Medicinal Drugs. |
10/29/2019 |
64B16-28.1081 |
Regulation of Daily Operating Hours; Commencement of Operations |
8/23/2016 |
64B16-28.109 |
Prescription Department; Padlock; Sign: "Prescription Department Closed." |
4/10/2005 |
64B16-28.110 |
Outdated Pharmaceuticals |
4/4/2019 |
64B16-28.113 |
Permits; Single Entity; Single Location |
1/30/1996 |
64B16-28.114 |
Prescription Refills (Repealed) |
10/5/2009 |
64B16-28.118 |
Unit Dose and Customized Patient Medication Package Returns |
9/18/2017 |
64B16-28.1191 |
Unclaimed Prescriptions |
2/7/2023 |
64B16-28.120 |
All Permits - Storage of Legend Drugs; Prepackaging |
12/18/2023 |
64B16-28.140 |
Record Maintenance Systems for All Pharmacy Permits |
7/9/2023 |
64B16-28.141 |
Requirements for an Automated Pharmacy System in a Community Pharmacy (Repealed) |
6/24/2021 |
64B16-28.202 |
Closing of a Pharmacy; Transfer of Prescription Files |
4/5/2005 |
64B16-28.2021 |
Change of Ownership |
7/14/2016 |
64B16-28.203 |
Transfer of Medicinal Drugs; Change of Ownership; Closing of a Pharmacy |
4/5/2005 |
64B16-28.301 |
Destruction of Controlled Substances - Institutional Class I Pharmacies (Nursing Homes) |
11/5/2017 |
64B16-28.303 |
Destruction of Controlled Substances All Permittees (Excluding Institutional Class I Nursing Homes) |
3/20/2023 |
64B16-28.404 |
Regulation of Daily Operating Hours (Repealed) |
2/28/2007 |
64B16-28.450 |
Centralized Prescription Filling, Delivering and Returning |
3/15/2016 |
64B16-28.451 |
Pharmacy Common Database; Exceptions for Prescription Drug Processing Only Pharmacies |
7/14/2016 |
64B16-28.501 |
Consultant Pharmacist of Record; Initial Designation; Change |
9/27/2018 |
64B16-28.502 |
Class I, Class II and Class III Institutional Permit - Labels and Labeling of Medicinal Drugs for Inpatients of a Nursing Home |
9/27/2018 |
64B16-28.503 |
Transmission of Starter Dose Prescriptions for Patients in Class I or Modified II B Institutional Facilities |
7/19/2017 |
64B16-28.602 |
Institutional Class II Class III Dispensing |
9/27/2018 |
64B16-28.6021 |
Institutional Class II and Class III Pharmacy - Emergency Department Dispensing |
11/18/2021 |
64B16-28.603 |
Class II and Class III Institutional Pharmacy Operating Hours |
9/27/2018 |
64B16-28.604 |
Class II and Class III Institutional Pharmacy Department Security |
9/21/1994 |
64B16-28.605 |
Class II and Class III Institutional Pharmacies – Automated Distribution and Packaging |
7/14/2014 |
64B16-28.606 |
Remote Medication Order Processing for Class II or Class III Institutional Pharmacies or Special Pharmacy Permits Servicing Class I, Class II, Modified Class II, Class III, and Special ALF Permitted Facilities |
9/27/2018 |
64B16-28.607 |
Automated Pharmacy System – Long-Term Care, Hospice, and Prison |
10/29/2019 |
64B16-28.608 |
Automated Filling Systems within a Pharmacy |
11/5/2017 |
64B16-28.702 |
Modified Class II Institutional Pharmacies |
3/24/2025 |
64B16-28.750 |
Class III Institutional Pharmacies. |
3/24/2025 |
64B16-28.800 |
Special Pharmacies |
4/26/2017 |
64B16-28.802 |
Special Sterile Compounding Permits for Pharmacies and Outsourcing Facilities |
10/29/2024 |
64B16-28.810 |
Special Pharmacy - Limited Community Permit |
9/27/2018 |
64B16-28.820 |
Sterile Products and Special Parenteral/Enteral Compounding |
6/4/2014 |
64B16-28.830 |
Special - Closed System Pharmacy |
5/8/2018 |
64B16-28.840 |
Special - Non Resident (Mail Service) (Repealed) |
4/26/2017 |
64B16-28.850 |
Special Pharmacy - ESRD |
6/24/2008 |
64B16-28.860 |
Special Pharmacy - Parenteral/Enteral Extended Scope Permit |
3/24/2025 |
64B16-28.870 |
Special-ALF |
7/19/2017 |
64B16-28.900 |
Definitions - Nuclear Pharmacy |
4/5/2005 |
64B16-28.901 |
Nuclear Pharmacy - General Requirements |
12/31/2013 |
64B16-28.902 |
Nuclear Pharmacy - Minimum Requirements |
4/5/2005 |
64B16-28.905 |
Nonresident Sterile Compounding Permit Inspections; Approved Inspection Entities (Transferred) |
12/24/2015 |