Rule Chapter: 64B17-6
Chapter Title: MINIMUM STANDARDS OF PRACTICE Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B17-6.001 Minimum Standards of Physical Therapy Practice 2/16/2021
Rule file 64B17-6.002 Supervision of Physical Therapist Assistants by Physicians (Repealed) 7/4/2017
Rule file 64B17-6.003 Minimum Qualification to Perform Electromyography 8/6/1984
Rule file 64B17-6.004 Address of Licensee 10/14/1991
Rule file 64B17-6.0042 Medical Records of Deceased, Relocating, or Terminating Practice Physical Therapists or Physical Therapist Assistants 2/18/2016
Rule file 64B17-6.0044 Medical Records of Physical Therapists or Physical Therapist Assistants Relocating or Terminating Practice (Repealed) 3/23/2016
Rule file 64B17-6.005 Costs of Duplicating Medical Records 6/28/2016
Rule file 64B17-6.006 Administration of Topical Medications 5/12/1992
Rule file 64B17-6.007 Delegation to Unlicensed Personnel by the Physical Therapist 8/16/1995
Rule file 64B17-6.008 Minimum Standards of Practice for the Performance of Dry Needling 4/19/2021