Rule Chapter: 64B20-7
Chapter Title: DISCIPLINE Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B20-7.001 Disciplinary Guidelines 7/21/2024
Rule file 64B20-7.002 Probable Cause Determination 6/12/2012
Rule file 64B20-7.003 Minor Violations 3/6/2002
Rule file 64B20-7.004 Citations 5/20/2009
Rule file 64B20-7.005 Mitigating and Aggravating Circumstances 8/9/2004
Rule file 64B20-7.007 Mediation 5/3/2023
Rule file 64B20-7.008 Standard Probation Terms 3/6/2002
Rule file 64B20-7.009 Reasonable Time to Pay Fines, Costs and Assessments 1/28/1999