64B4-4.002 |
Application and Initial Active Status License Fee for Licensure |
8/7/2018 |
64B4-4.003 |
Application Fee for Licensure by Endorsement (Repealed) |
8/7/2018 |
64B4-4.005 |
Biennial Licensure Fee |
8/7/2018 |
64B4-4.0051 |
Reactivation Fee |
12/22/1994 |
64B4-4.0052 |
Renewal of Inactive Status Fee |
12/22/1994 |
64B4-4.0053 |
Retired Status Fee |
1/16/2006 |
64B4-4.006 |
Change of Status Fee |
10/9/2000 |
64B4-4.007 |
Delinquency Fee |
11/13/1994 |
64B4-4.009 |
Continuing Education Provider Application Fee |
2/8/2005 |
64B4-4.013 |
Initial Licensure Fee (Repealed) |
8/7/2018 |
64B4-4.014 |
Provisional License Application Fee |
10/9/2000 |
64B4-4.015 |
Registered Intern Registration Fee |
10/15/2002 |
64B4-4.016 |
Registered Intern Biennial Renewal Fee (Repealed) |
5/29/2017 |
64B4-4.018 |
Registered Intern Delinquency Fee (Repealed) |
5/29/2017 |
64B4-4.019 |
Duplicate License Fee (Repealed) |
6/20/2024 |