Rule Chapter: 64B9-15
Chapter Title: CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANTS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B9-15.001 Definitions 3/13/2024
Rule file 64B9-15.0015 Standards of Practice for Certified Nursing Assistants 8/22/2021
Rule file 64B9-15.002 Certified Nursing Assistant Authorized Duties. 3/13/2024
Rule file 64B9-15.0025 CNA Medication Administration 7/22/2024
Rule file 64B9-15.0026 Medication Administration Outside the Scope of Practice of a CNA 3/13/2024
Rule file 64B9-15.003 Eligibility for Certification (Repealed) 11/1/2015
Rule file 64B9-15.0035 Certification by Endorsement 11/13/2024
Rule file 64B9-15.004 Certified Nursing Assistant Registry 8/23/2007
Rule file 64B9-15.0045 Certified Nursing Assistant Renewal Fee 5/19/2019
Rule file 64B9-15.005 Standards for Certified Nursing Assistant Training Programs 3/24/2024
Rule file 64B9-15.006 Standardized Curriculum 2/2/2022
Rule file 64B9-15.007 Approval and Renewal of New Certified Nursing Assistant Training Programs 11/28/2019
Rule file 64B9-15.008 Testing and Competency Evaluation 8/24/2017
Rule file 64B9-15.009 Disciplinary Guidelines; Range of Penalties; Aggravating and Mitigating Circumstances 8/22/2021
Rule file 64B9-15.0095 Citation for Certified Nursing Assistants 6/20/2017
Rule file 64B9-15.0096 Mediation 7/2/2017
Rule file 64B9-15.0097 Notice of Non-Compliance - Minor Violations 8/24/2017
Rule file 64B9-15.011 In-Service Training Requirements for Certified Nursing Assistants 7/4/2016
Rule file 64B9-15.012 Standards for In-Service Training for Certified Nursing Assistants 10/27/2013