Rule Chapter: 65G-4
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 65G-4.001 Definitions for Behavior Services: Practice and Procedure 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.0011 Recognized Certification Organizations for Behavior Analysts 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.002 Service Delivery. 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.0021 Tier Waivers (Repealed) 11/21/2010
Rule file 65G-4.0022 Tier One Waiver (Repealed) 11/21/2010
Rule file 65G-4.0023 Tier Two Waiver (Repealed) 11/21/2010
Rule file 65G-4.0024 Tier Three Waiver (Repealed) 11/21/2010
Rule file 65G-4.0025 Tier Four Waiver (Repealed) 11/21/2010
Rule file 65G-4.0026 Tier Waivers (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.0027 Tier One Waiver (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.0028 Tier Two Waiver (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.0029 Tier Three Waiver (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.00291 Tier Four Waiver (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.003 Certification as a Behavior Analyst 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.004 Certification as an Associate Behavior Analyst 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.005 Renewal of Behavior Analysis Certification 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.006 Approved Continuing Education 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.007 Behavior Analysis Certification Fees 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.008 Behavior Analysis Services Oversight System Organization 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.009 Design, Implementation and Monitoring of Behavior Analysis Services 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.010 Behavior Analysis Services Approval 4/4/2012
Rule file 65G-4.011 Determination of Intellectual Disability in Capital Felony Cases: Intelligence; Tests to be Administered 1/13/2004
Rule file 65G-4.012 Determination of Intellectual Disability: Intelligence Tests to Be Administered 6/13/2006
Rule file 65G-4.014 Eligibility for Agency Services - Definitions 5/16/2012
Rule file 65G-4.015 Eligibility for Agency Services Criteria 6/3/2020
Rule file 65G-4.016 Application Process 11/21/2024
Rule file 65G-4.017 Establishing Eligibility 6/3/2020
Rule file 65G-4.0210 Definitions (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.0211 General Provisions (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.0212 Establishing the Final iBudget Allocation Amount (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.0213 Definitions 1/3/2023
Rule file 65G-4.0214 Allocation Algorithm 7/1/2021
Rule file 65G-4.0215 General Provisions 1/3/2023
Rule file 65G-4.0216 Establishment of the iBudget Amount 7/1/2021
Rule file 65G-4.0217 iBudget Cost Plan 7/1/2021
Rule file 65G-4.0218 Significant Additional Need Funding 7/1/2021
Rule file 65G-4.022 iBudget Cost Plan Development and Approval (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.024 Cost Plan Changes (Repealed) 1/19/2016
Rule file 65G-4.027 Cost Plan Funding and Review (Repealed) 1/19/2016