Rule Chapter: 65C-16
Chapter Title: ADOPTIONS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 65C-16.001 Definitions 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.002 Adoptive Family Selection 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.003 Case Reviews 8/15/2021
Rule file 65C-16.004 Recruitment, Screening and Application Process/Adoptive Applicants 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.005 Evaluation of Applicants 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.007 Abuse Hotline and Registry and Criminal Records Checks 8/15/2021
Rule file 65C-16.008 Dispute Resolutions and Appeals (Repealed) 7/11/2016
Rule file 65C-16.009 Adoption Placement 9/22/2021
Rule file 65C-16.010 Adoption Placement - Post-Placement Services 8/15/2021
Rule file 65C-16.011 Confidentiality - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infected Clients 7/7/2016
Rule file 65C-16.012 Types of Adoption Assistance 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.013 Determination of Maintenance Subsidy Payments 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.0131 Determination of Extension of Maintenance Subsidy Payments 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.014 Post Adoption Services 8/15/2021
Rule file 65C-16.015 Non-Recurring Adoption Expenses 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.016 Access to Closed Adoption Records 8/15/2021
Rule file 65C-16.017 Florida Adoption Reunion Registry 8/15/2021
Rule file 65C-16.018 Adoption Benefits for Qualifying Employees of State Agencies (Repealed) 12/14/2010
Rule file 65C-16.019 Intervention in Dependency Cases 7/20/2023
Rule file 65C-16.020 Communication or Contact 7/7/2016
Rule file 65C-16.021 Adoption Benefits for Qualifying Employees of State Agencies and Other Eligible Applicants 11/22/2022