Rule Chapter: 68A-23
Chapter Title: RULES RELATING TO FRESHWATER FISH Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 68A-23.001 Definitions 10/16/2014
Rule file 68A-23.002 General Methods of Taking Freshwater Fish 6/7/2022
Rule file 68A-23.003 Commercial Fishing Devices; Provision for Use in Certain Waters 10/16/2014
Rule file 68A-23.004 Lawful Methods for Using Trotlines and Bush Hooks or Set Lines 7/1/2008
Rule file 68A-23.005 Bag Limits, Length Limits, Open Season: Freshwater Fish 7/1/2024
Rule file 68A-23.006 Prohibiting Possession of Freshwater Game Fish Under Certain Conditions 5/10/1987
Rule file 68A-23.007 Use of Fish for Bait 7/1/2000
Rule file 68A-23.008 Introduction of Non-Native Aquatic Species in the Waters of the State; Provisions for Sale and Inspection of Fish for Bait or Propagation Purpose; Diseased Fish (Repealed) 6/7/2007
Rule file 68A-23.009 Sale and Transportation of Freshwater Fish 5/15/2022
Rule file 68A-23.010 Disposition of Illegal Fishing Devices (Repealed) 3/17/2016
Rule file 68A-23.012 Special Regulations on Lake Okeechobee 10/16/2014
Rule file 68A-23.0131 Special Regulations for Waters Bordering Georgia and Alabama: Lake Seminole, the St. Mary's River, Lake Jackson (Walton County) and Perdido River 7/1/2016
Rule file 68A-23.015 Regulations Governing the Taking and Possession of Freshwater Mussels 11/26/2014
Rule file 68A-23.088 Regulations Governing Grass Carp 7/1/1992