Rule Chapter: 68A-9
Chapter Title: MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 68A-9.002 Permits to Take Wildlife or Freshwater Fish for Justifiable Purposes 4/14/2024
Rule file 68A-9.003 Permits for Freshwater Fish 4/14/2024
Rule file 68A-9.004 Permits for Hunting or Other Recreational Use on Wildlife Management Areas 7/16/2024
Rule file 68A-9.005 Falconry 7/17/2023
Rule file 68A-9.006 Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit 4/2/2024
Rule file 68A-9.007 Special-use Permits; Short-term Use Permits; Fees; Special-Opportunity Hunting and Fishing 4/24/2024
Rule file 68A-9.008 Permits for Physically Disabled 7/1/2024
Rule file 68A-9.010 Taking Nuisance Wildlife 7/27/2010
Rule file 68A-9.012 Taking of Wildlife on Airport Property 2/13/2014