Rule Chapter: 68B-37
Chapter Title: SPOTTED SEATROUT Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 68B-37.001 Designation as Restricted Species; Purpose and Intent 9/1/2013
Rule file 68B-37.002 Definitions 2/26/2020
Rule file 68B-37.003 Size Limits for Recreational and Commercial Harvest; Whole Condition Requirement 2/26/2020
Rule file 68B-37.004 Regional Recreational Bag Limits; Bag Limit for Captain and Crew on For-hire Trips; Commercial Bag, Vessel, and Landing Limits 2/26/2020
Rule file 68B-37.005 Seasons 2/26/2020
Rule file 68B-37.006 Allowed and Prohibited Gear and Method of Harvest; Restriction on Simultaneous Possession of Spotted Seatrout and Certain Types of Gear 9/1/2013
Rule file 68B-37.007 Purchase and Sale Prohibitions 2/26/2020