Rule Chapter: 69V-40
Chapter Title: MORTGAGE BROKERAGE Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 69V-40.001 Definitions (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.00111 Determination of common terms used throughout Chapter 494, F.S., and Rule Chapter 69V-40 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.00112 Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Loan Originator, Mortgage Broker, and Mortgage Lender Licensure. 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.002 Adoption of Forms 10/10/2024
Rule file 69V-40.003 Electronic Filing of Forms and Fees 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.00661 Mortgage Lender Branch Office Renewal and Reactivation 11/30/2015
Rule file 69V-40.008 Fees and Commissions 11/30/2015
Rule file 69V-40.011 Misleading Practice; Penalty 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.0113 Demonstrating Character, General Fitness, and Financial Responsibility 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.015 Payment of Guaranty Fund Claims (Repealed) 3/23/2008
Rule file 69V-40.020 Changes of Address (Repealed) 3/23/2008
Rule file 69V-40.021 Fictitious Name Registration (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.022 Quarterly Report Filing Requirements (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.025 Mortgage Broker Examination (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.026 Curriculum for Mortgage Broker Pre-licensing Classroom Education (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.027 Mortgage Broker Pre-licensing Education Requirement (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0271 Professional Continuing Education Requirements for Mortgage Brokers, Loan Originators, and Principal Representatives (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.028 Permit for Mortgage Business School (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0281 Mortgage Business Schools Prohibited Practices and Advertising/Publicity (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.029 Mortgage Business School Permit Renewal (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.030 Accreditation Process for a Mortgage Business School (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.031 Application Procedure for Mortgage Broker License (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0311 Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Mortgage Broker Licensure (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0312 Application Procedure for Loan Originator License 10/10/2024
Rule file 69V-40.0313 Loan Originator License Renewal and Reactivation 10/10/2024
Rule file 69V-40.0321 Application Procedure for a Mortgage Broker License 1/18/2021
Rule file 69V-40.0322 Mortgage Broker License Renewal and Reactivation 11/30/2015
Rule file 69V-40.033 Disciplinary Guidelines for Mortgage Business Schools (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0331 Declaration of Intent to Engage Solely in Loan Processing 4/12/2021
Rule file 69V-40.036 Application Procedure for a Mortgage Broker Branch Office License 1/18/2021
Rule file 69V-40.0361 Mortgage Broker Branch Office Renewal and Reactivation 11/30/2015
Rule file 69V-40.043 Mortgage Broker License Renewal and Reactivation (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.051 Application Procedure for Mortgage Brokerage Business License (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0511 Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Mortgage Brokerage Business Licensure (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.053 Mortgage Brokerage Business License and Branch Office License Renewal and Reactivation (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.058 Application Procedure for Mortgage Brokerage Business Branch Office License (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.060 Fees Earned Upon Obtaining a Bona Fide Commitment (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.0611 Application Procedure for a Mortgage Lender License 1/18/2021
Rule file 69V-40.0612 Mortgage Lender License Renewal and Reactivation 11/30/2015
Rule file 69V-40.066 Application Procedure for a Mortgage Lender Branch Office License 1/18/2021
Rule file 69V-40.070 Bona Fide Nonprofit Organization Exemption Criteria and Processes. 3/10/2025
Rule file 69V-40.088 Referrals (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.099 Amendments, Change of Name, Change of Entity and Change in Control or Ownership 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.100 Application Procedure for Transfer in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.105 Branch Office License for Transfer in Ownership or Control of Saving Clause Mortgage Lender (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.111 Disciplinary Guidelines 3/7/2024
Rule file 69V-40.150 Out of State Examination Costs 12/9/2001
Rule file 69V-40.155 Lock-in Agreement 11/30/2015
Rule file 69V-40.156 Third-party Fee Accounts 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.160 Principal Brokers (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.165 Branch Brokers (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.170 Books and Records 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.175 Mortgage Brokerage Files 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.176 Reports of Condition 10/10/2024
Rule file 69V-40.177 Mortgage Brokerage and Lending Transaction Journal (Repealed) 7/30/2012
Rule file 69V-40.200 Application Procedure for Mortgage Lender License (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.201 Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Mortgage Lender and Correspondent Lender Licensure (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.205 Mortgage Lender License, Mortgage Lender License Pursuant to Saving Clause, and Branch Office License Renewal and Reactivation (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.220 Application Procedure for Correspondent Mortgage Lender License (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.225 Correspondent Mortgage Lender License and Branch Office License Renewal and Reactivation (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.240 Application Procedure for Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Mortgage Lender Branch Office License (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.242 Principal Representative (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.245 Independent Contractors (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.250 Documentation of Net Worth and Surety Bond (Repealed) 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.260 Mortgage Lender Files 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.265 Mortgage Brokerage and Lending Transaction Journal 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.270 Financial Guaranty in Lieu of Uniform Single Audit 11/9/2015
Rule file 69V-40.285 Noninstitutional Investor Funds Account 10/1/2010
Rule file 69V-40.290 Acts Requiring Licensure as a Mortgage Broker, Mortgage Brokerage Business, Mortgage Lender or Correspondent Mortgage Lender (Repealed) 10/1/2010