Rule Chapter: 69V-560
Chapter Title: MONEY TRANSMITTERS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 69V-560.1000 Disciplinary Guidelines 3/7/2024
Rule file 69V-560.101 Scope (Repealed) 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.1012 Adoption of Forms 8/3/2023
Rule file 69V-560.1013 Electronic Filing of Forms and Fees 8/3/2023
Rule file 69V-560.102 Application or Appointment Procedures and Requirements 8/3/2023
Rule file 69V-560.1021 Effect of Law Enforcement Records on Applications for Money Services Business Licensure 2/16/2023
Rule file 69V-560.103 Definitions 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.104 Application Fees 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.105 Regulatory Standards for Evaluating Applications (Repealed) 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.107 Application for Branch Office and Appointment of Authorized Vendors 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.108 Declaration of Intent to Engage in Deferred Presentment Transactions 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.201 Amendments, Change of Name, Change of Entity and Change in Control or Ownership 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.202 Regulatory Standards for Evaluating Notices of Change of Control (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.301 Scope (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.302 Renewal Fees, Deadlines, and Requirements 8/3/2023
Rule file 69V-560.303 Renewal Application Forms, Procedures and Requirements (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.304 Renewal Fees (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.401 Scope (Repealed) 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.402 Bond 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.403 Net Worth (Repealed) 11/27/2019
Rule file 69V-560.501 Scope (Repealed) 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.504 Reimbursement Rates for Examinations Conducted by the Office 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.505 Reimbursement Rates for Examinations Conducted by a Third Party 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.601 Definitions (Repealed) 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.602 Quarterly Reports 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.603 Quarterly Reports to Be Filed by Foreign Currency Exchangers (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.604 Quarterly Reports to Be Filed by Funds Transmitters (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.605 Quarterly Reports to Be Filed by Payment Instrument Sellers (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.606 Annual Filing of Financial Audit Reports by Part II Licensees 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.607 Quarterly Reports to Be Filed by Deferred Presentment Providers (Repealed) 7/15/2007
Rule file 69V-560.608 Currency Transaction Report Filings 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.609 Suspicious Activity Report Filings 3/7/2024
Rule file 69V-560.610 Report of International Transportation of Currency or Monetary Instruments 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.701 General (Repealed) 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.702 Payment Instrument Sellers 1/6/2020
Rule file 69V-560.703 Money Transmitters 1/6/2020
Rule file 69V-560.7031 Records to be Maintained when Engaged in Transactions Involving Virtual Currency 2/16/2023
Rule file 69V-560.704 Records to Be Maintained by Check Cashers 3/7/2024
Rule file 69V-560.7041 Check Cashing Database Access 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.7042 Check Cashing Database Access Transaction Requirements 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.7043 Check Cashing Database Availability 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.7044 Limit on Cashing Corporate Checks 3/10/2025
Rule file 69V-560.705 Foreign Currency Exchangers 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.706 Records to be Maintained by Authorized Vendors 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.707 Records to be Maintained by Deferred Presentment Providers 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.801 Verification Fee 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.802 Minimum Disclosure 10/29/2012
Rule file 69V-560.804 Payment Method 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.805 Gross Income Test 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.901 Scope (Repealed) 7/30/2012
Rule file 69V-560.902 Definitions 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.903 Deferred Presentment Transactions 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.904 Deferred Presentment Transaction Agreement Disclosures and Requirements 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.905 Deferred Presentment Transaction Fees 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.906 Consumer Credit Counseling Services 1/13/2009
Rule file 69V-560.907 Deferred Presentment Database Access 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.908 Deferred Presentment Database Transaction Requirements 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.909 Deferred Presentment Database Availability 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.910 Deferred Presentment Database Transaction Fees 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.911 Deferred Presentment Database Dispute Resolution for Customers 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.912 Deferred Presentment Database Confidentiality 11/28/2019
Rule file 69V-560.913 Termination of Deferred Presentment Activity and Transaction Maintenance 11/28/2019