Rule Chapter: 6A-23
Chapter Title: APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAMS Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 6A-23.001 Purpose and Scope (Repealed) 3/29/2011
Rule file 6A-23.002 Definitions 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-23.003 Eligibility and Procedure for Apprenticeship Program Registration 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-23.004 Standards of Apprenticeship 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-23.0042 Work-Based Learning Standards 5/3/2022
Rule file 6A-23.005 Apprenticeship Agreement 6/25/2019
Rule file 6A-23.006 Deregistration of Department Registered Program 6/25/2019
Rule file 6A-23.007 Hearings (Repealed) 3/29/2011
Rule file 6A-23.008 Complaints 6/25/2019
Rule file 6A-23.009 Reinstatement of Program Registration 12/24/2024
Rule file 6A-23.010 Preapprenticeship Programs 3/29/2011
Rule file 6A-23.011 Program Performance Standards 5/3/2022