Rule Chapter: 6M-8
Chapter Title: Division of Early Learning - Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 6M-8.100 Definitions 2/15/2016
Rule file 6M-8.200 Documenting Child Eligibility for the VPK Program (Repealed) 1/1/2015
Rule file 6M-8.201 Child Enrollment Procedure for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program 9/26/2023
Rule file 6M-8.2011 Voluntary Prekindergarten Parent Guide (Repealed) 3/20/2017
Rule file 6M-8.2015 VPK Child Registration Pilot Project (Repealed) 1/1/2015
Rule file 6M-8.202 Child Eligibility Determination and Enrollment Procedures (Repealed) 1/1/2015
Rule file 6M-8.204 Uniform Attendance Policy for Funding the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program. 4/30/2024
Rule file 6M-8.205 Advance Payment and Reconciliation for the Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program 9/14/2009
Rule file 6M-8.210 Reenrollment in the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program 9/26/2023
Rule file 6M-8.300 Provider and Class Registration Procedures; Application; Eligibility Determination 12/21/2010
Rule file 6M-8.301 Statewide Provider Contract for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Program 2/21/2023
Rule file 6M-8.305 Recording and Certifying Child Attendance in the VPK Program 5/24/2007
Rule file 6M-8.400 VPK Class Sizes; Blended Classes; Multi-Class Groups 2/18/2015
Rule file 6M-8.410 Voluntary Prekindergarten Program Substitute Instructors 8/10/2009
Rule file 6M-8.500 VPK Specialized Instructional Services: Child Eligibility and Provider Reimbursement 8/5/2014
Rule file 6M-8.601 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Provider Kindergarten Readiness Rate (Repealed) 7/2/2024
Rule file 6M-8.602 Child Performance Standards for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program 12/28/2017
Rule file 6M-8.603 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Provider on Probation and Required to Apply for a Good Cause Exemption 6/23/2016
Rule file 6M-8.604 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Curriculum Approval Process 2/18/2025
Rule file 6M-8.605 VPK Staff Development Plan for Providers on Probation 12/28/2017
Rule file 6M-8.610 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Director Credential for Private Providers 11/23/2021
Rule file 6M-8.615 VPK Training Requirements for Lead VPK Instructors 4/30/2024
Rule file 6M-8.620 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Coordinated Screening and Progress Monitoring Program 8/27/2024
Rule file 6M-8.621 Program Assessment Requirements for the Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Education Program 11/21/2023
Rule file 6M-8.622 Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Provider Performance Metric and Designation 9/24/2024
Rule file 6M-8.700 Provider on Probation; Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Improvement Plan and Implementation; First Year Probation 6/23/2016
Rule file 6M-8.701 Provider on Probation; Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Annual Probation Progress Report; Second and Subsequent Year Probation 6/23/2016
Rule file 6M-8.702 Removal From Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program Eligibility 6/14/2022
Rule file 6M-8.900 Obtaining VPK Forms 5/24/2007