Rule: 62-302.540 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus Within the Everglades Protection Area
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Division: Departmental

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 3/28/2017
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 373.043, 373.4592, 403.061 FS. Law Implemented 373.016, 373.026, 373.4592, 403.021(11), 403.061, 403.201 FS. History– New 7-15-04, Amended 5-25-05, 3-28-17.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Development
As required by the Federal Clean Water Act, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is conducting the Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. All surface water quality standards in Chapter .... 28551288 7/17/2024
Vol. 50/139
View Text Development
As required by the Federal Clean Water Act, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is conducting the Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. All surface water quality standards in Chapter .... 24366223 3/31/2021
Vol. 47/62
View Text Workshop
The Department is conducting a set of public workshops for the Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. These workshops are ....
  Monday, November 4, 2019, 9:00 a.m.
  Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Bob Martinez ....
22452704 10/4/2019
Vol. 45/194
View Text Development
As required by the Federal Clean Water Act, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is initiating the Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. All surface water quality standards in Chapter .... 21667683 3/29/2019
Vol. 45/62
View Text Final
Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus Within the Everglades Protection Area 20036434 Effective:
View Text Change
Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus Within the Everglades Protection Area 18403536 12/23/2016
Vol. 42/248
View Text Public Hearing
The Department of Environmental Protection will bring to the ERC proposed amendments to Rule 62-302.540, F.A.C., for approval to adopt those ....
  February 8, 2017, 9:00 a.m.
  Douglas Building, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Conference Room A, ....
18403439 12/23/2016
Vol. 42/248
View Text Development
As required by the Federal Clean Water Act, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) is initiating the Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. The Department is considering revisions to .... 15947496 5/19/2015
Vol. 41/97
View Text Development
The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) proposes to initiate the Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards. The Department is considering revisions to a limited number of rule sections at .... 11394801 4/27/2012
Vol. 38/17
View Text Development
The Department is holding two workshops for the purpose of exploring options with the public on Florida nutrient standards and other relevant provisions of water quality standards. These workshops will be used to discuss .... 9921759 5/20/2011
Vol. 37/20
View Text Public Meeting
The October meeting of the Environmental Regulation Commission (ERC) was postponed. The Department’s amendments to Rule 62-302.540, F.A.C., ....
  December 2, 2010, 9:00 a.m.m.
  3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Douglas Building, Conference Room A, ....
9380014 11/19/2010
Vol. 36/46
View Text Validity
United States Sugar Corporation vs. Department of Environmental Protection; Case No.: 10-9519RP; Rule No.: 62-302.540; Petition 9321426 10/29/2010
Vol. 36/43
View Text Validity
New Hope Sugar Company and Okeelanta vs. Department of Environmental Protection; Case No.: 10-9518RP; Rule No.: 62-302.540; Petition 9321038 10/29/2010
Vol. 36/43
View Text Public Meeting
A regularly scheduled meeting of the Environmental Regulation Commission will be held. On remand from the United States District Court for the ....
  October 21, 2010, 9:00 a.m.
  3900 Commonwealth Blvd., Douglas Building, Conference Room A, ....
9223165 10/8/2010
Vol. 36/40
View Text Proposed
Rule 62-302.540, F.A.C., was established effective July 15, 2004, to provide a numeric phosphorus criterion for the Everglades Protection Area. On July 29, 2008, a Federal Court ruled that portions of Rule 62-302.540, F.A.C., .... 9136932 9/17/2010
Vol. 36/37
View Text Development
On December 3, 2009, the Department received a letter of determination from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“U.S. EPA”) related to several provisions of Rule 62-302.540, F.A.C., which were remanded to .... 8449008 3/26/2010
Vol. 36/12
View Text Development
On July 20, 2009, the Department of Environmental Protection (Department) received a petition to initiate rulemaking from the Florida Stormwater Association to establish a more refined surface water classification system. .... 7421681 7/31/2009
Vol. 35/30
View Text Development
The Department proposes to establish numeric surface water quality criteria for nutrients and associated standards, such as chlorophyll a. During the rule development process, the Department may decide to amend any or all .... 6624535 1/30/2009
Vol. 35/04
View Text Development
The Department is initiating its Triennial Review of state surface water quality standards as required by the Federal Clean Water Act. Proposed revisions to a number of rules in both Chapters 62-302 and 62-303, Florida Administrative .... 5817010 7/3/2008
Vol. 34/27
View Text Final
Water Quality Standards for Phosphorus Within the Everglades Protection Area 3234967 Effective: