Rule Chapter: 64B8-30
Chapter Title: PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 64B8-30.001 Definitions 9/4/2005
Rule file 64B8-30.002 Application for Licensure (Repealed) 10/21/2015
Rule file 64B8-30.003 Physician Assistant Licensure 3/9/2025
Rule file 64B8-30.004 Change in Employment Status (Repealed) 12/6/2021
Rule file 64B8-30.005 Physician Assistant Licensure Renewal and Reactivation 3/10/2022
Rule file 64B8-30.006 Dispensing Drugs 3/26/2006
Rule file 64B8-30.007 Requirements and Limitations of Prescribing Privileges (Repealed) 7/23/2019
Rule file 64B8-30.008 Formulary 3/10/2022
Rule file 64B8-30.009 Requirements for Approval of Training Programs 12/6/2021
Rule file 64B8-30.011 Advertising 7/11/2007
Rule file 64B8-30.0111 Disclosure of Licensure Status 7/11/2007
Rule file 64B8-30.012 Physician Assistant Performance 7/19/2016
Rule file 64B8-30.013 Notice of Noncompliance 12/6/2021
Rule file 64B8-30.014 Citation Authority 12/6/2021
Rule file 64B8-30.015 Disciplinary Guidelines 12/6/2021
Rule file 64B8-30.0151 Standard Terms Applicable to Orders 11/11/2007
Rule file 64B8-30.0152 Probation Variables 11/11/2007
Rule file 64B8-30.016 Mediation 11/30/2005
Rule file 64B8-30.019 Fees Regarding Physician Assistants 3/22/2023