Reference: Ref-01664

Reference Name: DEO-A100RAAC(C) (Creole) Komisyon Dapèl Asistans Reyanbochaj Demann Pou Revizyon
Agency: 73 Department of Commerce
73B Division of Workforce Services

Modified Document(s):
1/24/2020 RAAC's mailing address has changed.
7/7/2023 The Department of Economic Opportunity has been renamed to the Department of Commerce. Consequently, technical changes ...
Original Document(s):
9/10/2012 Form for appeal to the Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission in Creole
Description: Form for appeal to the Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission in Creole

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Final
Form of Appeal 28377755 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule revisions is to clarify existing appeal procedures and to incorporate new appeal procedures and standards of review of the Reemployment Assistance Appeals Commission with the effect of optimizing .... 28194425 3/26/2024
Vol. 50/60
View Text Final
Form of Appeal 12050133 Effective: