Reference: Ref-04015

Reference Name: DS-DE 19 - Constitutional Amendment Petition Form
Agency: 1 Department of State
1S Division of Elections

Modified Document(s):
1/17/2018 Adds effective date to form. Rule indicated effective date of form, but date was not reflected on form.
Original Document(s):
3/28/2014 Constitutional Amendment Petition Form for Rule 1S-2.009.
Description: Constitutional Amendment Petition Form for Rule 1S-2.009.

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
The purpose of rulemaking is to conform the rules to statutory changes in HB 5 (Chapter 2019-64, Laws of Florida), and as further modified by SB 1794 (Chapter 2020-15, Laws of Florida), which collectively amend sections .... 24500665 5/6/2021
Vol. 47/88
View Text Proposed
The purpose of rulemaking is to conform the rule to statutory changes in HB 5 (Chapter 2019-64, Laws of Florida) which amends sections 97.021 and 100.371, Florida Statutes. The law, among other things, requires paid petition .... 22775423 1/6/2020
Vol. 46/03
View Text Final
Constitutional Amendment by Initiative Petition 14526931 Effective: