Reference: Ref-04372

Reference Name: FWC Form 32-101_Revised 06.14
Agency: 68 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
68E Marine Resources

Original Document(s):
6/18/2014 Application for Marine Turtle Permit in accordance with FAC 68E-1.004 (1), which requires any individual desiring to ...
Modified Document(s): No Modified document(s).
Description: Application for Marine Turtle Permit in accordance with FAC 68E-1.004 (1), which requires any individual desiring to obtain authorization to conduct scientific, conservation, or educational activities directly involving marine turtles to submit Form 32-101to the Commission prior to conduct of the activity.

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Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the proposed rulemaking action is to clarify processing of permits to conduct research, education, and conservation activities with federally listed marine turtles in Florida and to update the guidelines for .... 17507450 5/6/2016
Vol. 42/89
View Text Final
General Permit Application Procedures, Requirements and Expiration 14800277 Effective: