Reference: Ref-12825

Reference Name: Form OEL-VPK 20PS
Agency: 6 Department of Education
6M Division of Early Learning

Original Document(s):
3/10/2021 State of Florida Statewide Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contract Public School Attachment
Modified Document(s): No Modified document(s).
Description: State of Florida Statewide Voluntary Prekindergarten Provider Contract Public School Attachment

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Proposed
To update the rule, contract and incorporated forms to align with statute. 25372792 1/4/2022
Vol. 48/02
View Text Final
Standard Statewide Provider Contract for the VPK Program 24364671 Effective: