Reference: Ref-17136

Reference Name: Florida Cattle Operations, 2024 Edition: Water Quality and Water Quantity Best Management Practices, FDACS-P-01280 Rev. 11/24
Agency: 5 Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
5M Division of Agricultural Water Policy

Original Document(s):
10/11/2024 Manual for enrolling producers in the BMP Program.
Modified Document(s): No Modified document(s).
Description: Manual for enrolling producers in the BMP Program.

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

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The purpose of the proposed rules is to adopt by reference a revised version of the manual titled Water Quality Best Management Practices for Florida Cow/Calf Operations (2008 Edition), DACS P-01280. The new edition, titled .... 28866926 10/14/2024
Vol. 50/201