Reference: Ref-03121

Reference Name: Declaration of Joint Venture
Agency: 14 Department of Transportation
14 Departmental

Modified Document(s):
2/24/2015 Rule 14-91.004 substituted for Rule 14-91.007 in upper left corner. FEIN spelled out as Federal Employer ...
3/6/2015 Corrected dated as listed in Rule 14-91
Original Document(s):
8/21/2013 Form 375-020-18, Rev. 9/13 Declaration of Joint Venture, for use in rule 14-22.007 and Rule 14-91.007.
Description: Form 375-020-18, Rev. 9/13 Declaration of Joint Venture, for use in rule 14-22.007 and Rule 14-91.007.

Disclaimer: External links within the reference material are subject to change outside of the rulemaking process.

Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Final
Prequalification Requirements 15764069 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The amendments to this rule are being made to clarify language and provide options for competitive bidding on design-build projects. 15284307 11/20/2014
Vol. 40/226
View Text Final
Joint Ventures 14398697 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The amendments to this rule are being made to clarify language, eliminate the need for audited financial statements for contractors seeking to qualify for projects under $1,000,000, and requiring contractor notification .... 13856564 11/22/2013
Vol. 39/228
View Text Proposed
The amendments to this rule are being made to clarify language and provide options for competitive bidding on design-build projects. 13856370 11/22/2013
Vol. 39/228