Rule Chapter: 28-106
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 28-106.101 Scope of this Chapter 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.102 Presiding Officer 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.103 Computation of Time 1/15/2007
Rule file 28-106.104 Filing 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.105 Appearances 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.106 Who May Appear; Criteria for Qualified Representatives 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.107 Standards of Conduct for Qualified Representatives 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.108 Consolidation 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.109 Notice to Interested Parties 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.110 Service of Papers 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.111 Point of Entry into Proceedings and Mediation 1/15/2007
Rule file 28-106.201 Initiation of Proceedings 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.2015 Agency Enforcement and Disciplinary Actions 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.202 Amendment of Petitions or Requests for Hearing 1/15/2007
Rule file 28-106.203 Answer 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.204 Motions 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.205 Intervention 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.206 Discovery 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.207 Venue 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.208 Notice of Hearing 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.209 Prehearing Conferences 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.210 Continuances 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.211 Conduct of Proceedings 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.212 Subpoenas 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.213 Evidence 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.214 Recordation 3/18/1998
Rule file 28-106.215 Post-Hearing Submittals 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.216 Entry of Recommended Order 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.217 Exceptions and Responses 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.301 Initiation of Proceedings 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.302 Notice of Proceeding 12/24/2007
Rule file 28-106.303 Motions 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.304 Continuances 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.305 Conduct of Proceedings 1/15/2007
Rule file 28-106.306 Recordation 3/18/1998
Rule file 28-106.307 Post-Hearing Submittals 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.401 Purpose 1/15/2007
Rule file 28-106.402 Contents of Request for Mediation 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.403 Allocation of Costs and Fees 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.404 Contents of Agreement to Mediate 2/5/2013
Rule file 28-106.405 Standards of Conduct for Mediators 4/1/1997
Rule file 28-106.501 Emergency Action 12/24/2007
Rule file 28-106.601 Conflict 12/24/2007