Notice of Proposed Rule
69O-136.004 | Surplus Lines | 69O-136.005 | Captive Insurers | 69O-136.011 | Commercial Self-Insurance Funds Filing for a Certificate of Authority | 69O-136.012 | Forms Adopted (Repealed) | 69O-136.015 | Corporate Amendment Procedure to Amend an Existing Certificate of Authority to Add a New Line of Business | 69O-136.018 | Determination of Eligibility to Operate as an Alien Insurer in Florida Pursuant to Sections 624.402(8) or 624.402(9), F.S. | 69O-136.031 | Registration as a Purchasing Group | 69O-136.032 | Registration as a Risk Retention Group | 69O-136.034 | Uniform Certificate of Authority Expansion Application (Repealed) |
624.308, 627.954, FS. |
624.09, 624.307(1), 624.34, 624.401, 624.402(8),(9), 624.407, 624.408, 624.411, 624.413, 624.414(1), 624.416(4), 624.422, 624.462, 624.466, 624.501, 624.610(11), 625.306, 626.913, 626.918, 628.041, 628.6011, 628.051, 628.061, 628.71, 628.081, 628.091, 628.121, 628.151, 628.161, 628.221, 628.231, 628.251, 628.261, 628.451, 628.461, 628.4615, 628.471, 628.905, 629.071, 629.081, 620.091, 629.101, 629.121, 620.131, 629.181, FS. |
6/29/2017 Vol. 43/126 |
From 6/29/2017 To 7/20/2017 (21 Days)
The public comment period for this notice has already expired.
No reference(s).