Rule Chapter: 25-30
Chapter Title: WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITY RULES Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 25-30.010 Rules for General Application 1/31/2000
Rule file 25-30.011 Application and Scope 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.020 Fees Required to be Paid by Water and Wastewater Utilities 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.025 Official Date of Filing 12/8/2021
Rule file 25-30.029 Legal Description of Service Area 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.030 Notice of Application and of Customer Meeting 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.031 Written Objection 1/27/1991
Rule file 25-30.032 Applications 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.033 Application for Original Certificate of Authorization and Initial Rates and Charges 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.034 Application for Original Certificate of Authorization for Existing Utility Currently Charging for Service 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.035 Application for Original Certificate of Authorization Following Rescission of Jurisdiction by a County 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.036 Application for Amendment to Certificate of Authorization to Extend or Delete Service Area 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.037 Application for Authority to Transfer 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.0371 Acquisition Adjustments 6/17/2024
Rule file 25-30.0372 Alternative Procedure for Establishing Rate Base Value of Acquired Utility System 5/15/2024
Rule file 25-30.038 Application for Transfer to a Governmental Authority 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.039 Notice of Name Change 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.050 Municipal or County Franchise Fee 11/21/1982
Rule file 25-30.055 Systems with a Capacity or Proposed Capacity to Serve 100 or Fewer Persons 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.090 Abandonments 1/4/2016
Rule file 25-30.091 Petition to Revoke Water Certificate of Authorization 2/10/2015
Rule file 25-30.110 Records and Reports; Annual Reports 2/15/2023
Rule file 25-30.115 Uniform System of Accounts for Water and Wastewater Utilities 8/17/1996
Rule file 25-30.116 Allowance for Funds Used During Construction 1/26/2021
Rule file 25-30.117 Accounting for Pension Costs 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.120 Regulatory Assessment Fees; Water and Wastewater Utilities 5/7/2013
Rule file 25-30.125 System Maps and Records 9/12/1974
Rule file 25-30.130 Record of Complaints 6/21/2018
Rule file 25-30.135 Tariffs, Rules and Miscellaneous Requirements 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.140 Depreciation 5/29/2008
Rule file 25-30.145 Audit Access to Records 2/28/1995
Rule file 25-30.210 Definitions 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.225 Plant and Facilities 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.230 Service Facilities 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.231 Extent of System Which Utility Shall Maintain 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.235 Safety 9/12/1974
Rule file 25-30.240 Change in Character of Service 9/12/1974
Rule file 25-30.245 Accidents 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.250 Continuity of Service 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.251 Record and Report of Interruptions 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.255 Measurement of Service for Water Utilities 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.260 Meter Installation 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.261 Meter Readings 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.262 Meter Accuracy Requirements 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.263 Meter Test Methods 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.264 Meter Testing Equipment 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.265 Periodic Meter Tests 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.266 Meter Test by Request 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.267 Record of Meter Tests 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.310 Initiation of Service 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.311 Customer Deposits 7/26/2012
Rule file 25-30.315 Temporary Service 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.320 Refusal or Discontinuance of Service 10/28/1998
Rule file 25-30.325 Termination of Service by Customer 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.330 Information to Customers 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.335 Customer Billing 4/22/2021
Rule file 25-30.340 Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.345 Customer Service Charges 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.350 Underbillings and Overbillings for Water and Wastewater Service 11/25/2019
Rule file 25-30.351 Unauthorized Use 6/17/2013
Rule file 25-30.355 Complaints 6/21/2018
Rule file 25-30.360 Refunds 11/25/2019
Rule file 25-30.410 Definitions 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.415 Return on Common Equity 7/20/1987
Rule file 25-30.420 Establishment of Price Index, Adjustment of Rates; Requirement of Bond; Filings After Adjustment; Notice to Customers 2/15/2023
Rule file 25-30.425 Pass Through Rate Adjustment 2/19/2017
Rule file 25-30.430 Test Year Approval 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.431 Used and Useful Consideration 12/14/1999
Rule file 25-30.432 Wastewater Treatment Plant Used and Useful Calculations 12/26/2002
Rule file 25-30.4325 Water Treatment and Storage Used and Useful Calculations 6/8/2008
Rule file 25-30.433 Rate Case Proceedings 7/11/2018
Rule file 25-30.434 Application for Allowance for Funds Prudently Invested (AFPI) Charges 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.4345 Notice of Applications for New or Revised Service Availability Charges or Policies and Notice of Applications for Allowance for Funds Prudently Invested (AFPI) Charges 3/7/2022
Rule file 25-30.436 General Information and Instructions Required of Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for Rate Increase 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-30.437 Financial, Rate, and Engineering Minimum Filing Requirements for Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for Rate Increase 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-30.438 Information Required in Application for Rate Increase From Utilities with Related Parties (Repealed) 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-30.4385 Additional Rate Information Required in Application for Rate Increase (Repealed) 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-30.440 Additional Engineering Information Required of Class A and B Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for Rate Increase (Repealed) 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-30.4415 Additional Information Required in Application for Rate Increase by Utilities Seeking to Recover the Cost of Investment in the Public Interest 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.442 Duplicate Information 6/25/1990
Rule file 25-30.443 Minimum Filing Requirements for Class C Water and Wastewater Utilities (Repealed) 1/27/2021
Rule file 25-30.444 Utility Reserve Fund 6/20/2017
Rule file 25-30.4445 Notice of Application for Utility Reserve Fund 6/20/2017
Rule file 25-30.445 General Information and Instructions Required of Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for a Limited Proceeding 5/16/2022
Rule file 25-30.446 Notice of and Public Information for Application for Limited Proceeding Rate Increase 12/8/2021
Rule file 25-30.450 Burden of Proof and Audit Provisions 1/31/2000
Rule file 25-30.455 Staff Assistance in Rate Cases 7/1/2023
Rule file 25-30.456 Staff Assistance in Alternative Rate Setting 7/1/2023
Rule file 25-30.457 Limited Alternative Rate Increase 7/1/2023
Rule file 25-30.4575 Operating Ratio Methodology 3/28/2019
Rule file 25-30.458 Notice of and Public Information for Application for Limited Alternative Rate Increase 3/15/2005
Rule file 25-30.460 Application for Miscellaneous Service Charges 6/24/2021
Rule file 25-30.465 Private Fire Protection Rates 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.4705 Calculation of Rate Reduction After Rate Case Expense is Amortized 2/24/2002
Rule file 25-30.475 Effective Date of Approved Tariffs 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.510 Applicability 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.515 Definitions 11/30/1993
Rule file 25-30.520 Responsibility of Utility to Provide Service 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.525 Application for Extension of Service 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.530 Response to Applications for Extension of Service Within a Utility's Certificated Territory, Cost Estimates 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.540 Agreements for Service, Performance Under Agreements 11/10/1986
Rule file 25-30.545 Construction 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.550 Filing of Agreements; Approval of Contracts 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.555 Guaranteed Revenue Agreements 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.560 Disputes 6/14/1983
Rule file 25-30.565 Application for Approval of New or Revised Service Availability Policy or Charges 12/8/2021
Rule file 25-30.570 Imputation of Contributions-in-Aid-of-Construction 1/31/2000
Rule file 25-30.580 Guidelines for Designing Service Availability Policy 1/31/2000
Rule file 25-30.585 Developer Service Availability Charges 6/14/1983