Rule Chapter: 40C-9
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 40C-9.001 Purpose (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.021 Definitions 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.031 Selection of Lands - Five Year Plan Pursuant to Section 373.199, Florida Statutes (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.041 Acquisition Procedures; Negotiations 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.045 Acquisition Procedures - Condemnation (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.051 Surveys (Repealed) 11/3/2015
Rule file 40C-9.061 Appraisals 7/5/2015
Rule file 40C-9.065 Disclosure of Beneficial Interest (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.071 Use of Trust Funds (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.081 Disposition of Surplus Land (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.101 Land Management Policy (Repealed) 11/3/2015
Rule file 40C-9.110 Land Management Plans 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.115 Land Management Review Team (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.117 Access to and Closure of Conservation Easements 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.120 Access to and Closures of District Lands 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.130 Recreational Fishing 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.140 Hiking 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.150 Horseback Riding 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.160 Bicycling 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.170 Hunting 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.180 Dogs, Cats, and Other Domestic Animals 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.190 Diving 5/11/1994
Rule file 40C-9.200 Swimming 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.210 Plants or Animal Removal, Destruction, or Harassment 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.220 Archaeological or Cultural Resources Removal, Alteration, or Destruction 5/11/1994
Rule file 40C-9.230 Disposal or Discharge of Waste 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.240 Destruction, Removal, or Alteration of District-Owned Facilities or Equipment 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.250 Firearms and Similar Equipment (Repealed) 3/9/2012
Rule file 40C-9.260 Posting or Distributing Bills 5/11/1994
Rule file 40C-9.270 Fires 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.280 Trapping 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.290 Commercial Fishing 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.300 Camping 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.310 Introduction of Plants and Animals to District Lands 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.320 Use of Motorized Vehicles, Recreational Vehicles, Boats, and Aircraft 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.330 Concessions 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.340 Unauthorized Facilities or Structures 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.350 Other Uses 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.360 Special Use Authorization 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.370 District Leases 6/7/2004
Rule file 40C-9.380 Right-of-Way Easements 5/11/1994
Rule file 40C-9.390 District-Initiated Land Management Activities 1/16/1994
Rule file 40C-9.400 Individuals Living on District Lands (Repealed) 5/27/2012
Rule file 40C-9.410 Intergovernmental Management Agreements 7/30/2001
Rule file 40C-9.420 Revenues Generated From District Lands 1/16/1994