Rule Chapter: 69B-150
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Rule No. Rule Title Effective
Rule file 69B-150.001 Purpose 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.002 Applicability 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.003 Definitions 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.004 Method of Disclosure of Required Information 12/24/1974
Rule file 69B-150.005 Form and Content of Advertisements 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.006 Advertisements of Benefits Payable, Losses Covered or Premiums Payable 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.007 Necessity for Disclosing Policy Provisions Relating to Renewability, Cancellability, and Termination 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.008 Testimonials or Endorsements by Third Parties (Repealed) 11/15/2022
Rule file 69B-150.009 Use of Statistics 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.010 Identification of Plan or Number of Policies 12/24/1974
Rule file 69B-150.011 Disparaging Comparisons and Statements 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.012 Jurisdictional Licensing and Status of Insurer 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.013 Identity of Insurer 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.014 Group or Quasi-Group Implications 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.015 Introductory, Initial, or Special Offers 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.016 Statements About an Insurer 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.020 Severability Provision 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.021 Prior Rules 6/13/1988
Rule file 69B-150.101 Purpose 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.102 Applicability 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.103 Definitions 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.104 Method of Disclosure of Required Information 2/26/1992
Rule file 69B-150.105 Form and Content of Advertisements 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.106 Disclosure Requirements for Indeterminated Value Life and Annuity Contract Advertisements 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.107 Advertisements of Proceeds Payable, Premiums Payable, or Limited, Graded, or Modified Features 5/27/1996
Rule file 69B-150.108 Necessity for Disclosing Policy Provisions Relating to Renewability, Cancellability, and Termination 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.109 Use of Dividends 9/1/1973
Rule file 69B-150.110 Testimonials or Endorsements by Third Parties (Repealed) 11/15/2022
Rule file 69B-150.111 Use of Statistics 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.112 Disparaging Comparisons and Statements 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.113 Jurisdictional Licensing and Status of Insurer 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.114 Identity of Insurer 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.115 Group or Quasi-Group Implications 11/26/2014
Rule file 69B-150.116 Introductory, Initial, or Special Offers 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.117 Statements about an Insurer 11/7/1999
Rule file 69B-150.121 Severability Provision 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.122 Prior Rules 6/12/1988
Rule file 69B-150.201 Purpose 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.202 Applicability 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.203 Definitions 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.204 Method of Disclosure of Required Information 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.205 Form and Content of Marketing Communications 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.206 Marketing Communications of Benefits Payable, Losses Covered, and Premiums Payable 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.207 Disclosure of Plan Provisions Relating to Renewability, Cancellability, and Termination 2/23/1993
Rule file 69B-150.208 Testimonials or Endorsements by Third Parties (Repealed) 11/15/2022
Rule file 69B-150.209 Use of Statistics 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.210 Disclosure of Choice of Benefits 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.211 Disparaging Comparisons and Statements 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.212 Jurisdictional Licensing and Status of Small Employer Carrier 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.213 Identity of Small Employer Carrier 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.214 Introductory, Initial, or Special Offers 2/25/1993
Rule file 69B-150.215 Statements About a Small Employer Carrier 1/4/2000
Rule file 69B-150.219 Severability 2/25/1993