Reference: Ref-01359

Reference Name: DBPR CILB 4 Application for Registered Contractor Qualifying an Additional Business Entity Under a New License Category
Agency: 61 Department of Business and Professional Regulation
61 Departmental

Original Document(s):
7/9/2012 DBPR CILB 4 Application for Registered Contractor Qualifying an Additional Business Entity Under a New License Category
Modified Document(s): No Modified document(s).
Description: DBPR CILB 4 Application for Registered Contractor Qualifying an Additional Business Entity Under a New License Category

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to adopt forms to comply with changes to s.489.115 F.S. regarding creating an approval process for 2 hours continuing education course on building code and wind mitigation, providing an additional option for 10 year endorsement .... 24369230 4/8/2021
Vol. 47/68
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Construction Industry Departmental Forms 11875436 Effective: