Reference: Ref-07674

Reference Name: PUR1010 Notice of Non-Compliance
Agency: 60 Department of Management Services
60A Division of Purchasing

Original Document(s):
11/29/2016 This form shall be submitted to the Department when an agency fails to have a contract signed by an agency head or ...
Modified Document(s): No Modified document(s).
Description: This form shall be submitted to the Department when an agency fails to have a contract signed by an agency head or designee prior to the contractor rendering contractual services in excess of Category Two.

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Rules/Notices using this Reference Material
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
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Contract and Purchase Order Requirements 28523837 Effective:
View Text Proposed
To clarify and update requirements related to procurement and contracting processes and to update incorporated forms to address statutory changes that have occurred since the last update. 28273771 4/17/2024
Vol. 50/76
View Text Final
Contract and Purchase Order Requirements 18501894 Effective: