Reference: Ref-16979

Reference Name: Notice to Building Official of Use of Private Provider - Form # 61G20-2.005-2002-01
Agency: 61 Department of Business and Professional Regulation
61G20 Florida Building Commission

Original Document(s):
8/19/2024 Form # 61G20-2.005-2002-01, Notice to Building Official of Use of Private Provider.
Modified Document(s): No Modified document(s).
Description: Form # 61G20-2.005-2002-01, Notice to Building Official of Use of Private Provider.

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Subsection 553.791(4), Florida Statutes, requires an individual utilizing a private provider to provide building code inspection services to notify the local building official on a form adopted by the Florida Building Commission. .... 28712890 9/10/2024
Vol. 50/177