Rule: 6A-6.030121 Prev   Up   Next

Rule Title: Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Language Impairments and Qualifications and Responsibilities for the Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Language Services.
Department: DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION    Add to MyFLRules Favorites
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Division: State Board of Education

Latest version of the final adopted rule presented in Florida Administrative Code (FAC):

VIEW_RULE Effective Date: 1/7/2016
History Notes: Rulemaking Authority 1003.01(9), 1003.57, 1003.571, 1012.44 FS. Law Implemented 1003.01(9), 1003.57, 1003.571, 1012.44 FS. History–New 7-1-10, Amended 1-7-16.
References in this version: No reference(s).
History of this Rule since Jan. 6, 2006
Notice /
Section Description ID Publish
View Text Final
Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Language Impairments and Qualifications and Responsibilities for the Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Language Services. 16930591 Effective:
View Text Proposed
The purpose of this amendment is to update references and remove redundant language found in Rule 6A-6.0331, F.A.C. 16736300 11/6/2015
Vol. 41/217
View Text Development
6A-6.030121, The purpose is to update references. 6A-6.03018, The purpose is to update references and deletes obsolete language. 6A-6.03028, The purpose is to include revised IEP content and IEP team membership when a student .... 16437928 9/4/2015
Vol. 41/173
View Text Final
Exceptional Student Education Eligibility for Students with Language Impairments and Qualifications and Responsibilities for the Speech-Language Pathologists Providing Language Services. 8567445 Effective:
View Text Continuation
Exceptional Education Eligibility for Students with Language Impairments. 8401769 3/19/2010
Vol. 36/11
View Text Change
Exceptional Education Eligibility for Students with Language Impairments. 8316021 2/26/2010
Vol. 36/08
View Text Proposed
The purpose of the rule amendment to Rule 6A-6.03012, F.A.C., is to reflect current knowledge and best practices in the fields of special education and communication disorders regarding speech impairments. Rule 6A-6.03012, .... 8263447 2/12/2010
Vol. 36/06
View Text Development
The purpose of this rule development is to revise Rule 6A-6.03012, F.A.C., to address evaluation and eligibility procedures for students suspected of having a speech impairment; revise procedures consistent with current .... 7489775 8/14/2009
Vol. 35/32
View Text Development
The purpose of these rule development workshops is to ensure that the programs for students who have specific learning disabilities or who are speech or language impaired are consistent with the amendments to the federal .... 5121811 1/18/2008
Vol. 34/03